Saturday, June 20, 2009


The rain flings
from slobbering dog jowls

It plays and sprays
with drenching pants
providing new opportunities
for the urban chic to accessorize

*with apologies to Mr. Sandburg

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Pursuing Pinkness

smiling as I spy
a stranger's passing fancy
coloring my day

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Alighted Wisdom

Icarus was an idiot.
The price he paid for ignoring sound advice was plummeting to his death, wingless and flailing in a flurry of feathers coated in melted wax.
No, If I had wings, I would have sense enough to avoid flying too close to the sun. But I'm not so sure I could resist remaining aloft, exhilarated to the point of exhaustion before Icarusing to earth -- same fate slightly different ignorance.
Which is why I spent the day studying winged things at rest. Perhaps I could learn how they can resist the temptation to remain permanenty aloft.
Even the Vulture, able to rest on thermals alights for stretches -- foregoing the regal demeanor he commands in the air.
Of course, wing beings have to eat, sleep and procreate -- things better done alit than aloft.
But I wonder if it isn't more a simple matter of being born with wings makes flying more mundane, less a dream and therefor something that one is not compelled to do to excess.
Perhaps a bit more study...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Aloe There

aloe blossoming
bold beneath the summer sun
poised to soothe Sol's burns

Friday, May 22, 2009

Urbaned Cowboy

A knight of the range
missing his mesa
bedrolls, bad coffee
and the coyote's call
poor restless wrangler
in transit by taxi
impatiently ferried
back home to the range

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A little R-E-SSS-P-E-C-T

Seen slithering silently from the corner of my eye, she stimulates my reptilian brain stem sending secretions of norepinephine between neurons inducing panic and an innate fight or flight reaction.
Despite my initial reaction of panic, I must admit to being somewhat addicted to the feeling I have immediately thereafter. The pleasure following the panic is in no small part a sense of accomplishment for using reason and knowledge to conquer the millions of years of evolution that bequeathed my ancestors with the survival advantage of an immediate avoidance reaction to a possible deadly hazard.
Panic, relief then a third reaction – an appreciation of raw beauty, the grace in form and movement, Her rhythmic undulation, the symmetrically smooth overlapping scales-- each aesthetic aspect combining to cause a secretion of dopamine and serotonin to mix with and wash away the norepinephine. A chemical rush on the cheap – and legal.
Svelte sister serpent
sibilantly sings
her sweet song of woe
“fear not beyond reason
but tread wary
on my trails
malign me not
with false history
retold in old tales.”
“S” shaped elegance
undulating through grass
who’s pairing with evil
we should perhaps now let pass

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Peru -- lives in my yard

an alien dream
Peruvian elegance
blooms outside my door

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Cathartes Aura Rex

Summer smolders speeding decay
and the smell of death rides a gale force
summer’s sauna sears the earth
far faster than the heavens
the differential temperature
silently spins thermals
whereupon they sail supreme
janitors aground
regal on the wing
tasting death in the air
living live as they dare

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Deception Illuminated

I am amazed by so many small wonders that for me to admit being especially mesmerized by a phenomenon speaks volumes of that phenomenon. Dew formation is just such a wonder.

For me, dew symbolizes the most pure aspects of nature. Pure water condensed from the air as if by magic -- coalescing, adhering and illuminating whatever it touches, often refracting multiple images of what is graced with its proximity.
Beads of crystal innocence held intact by surface tension – the dew drop both the container and the contained. Sunday morning, compelled by almost perfect light and a early morning misty rain, I set out to look for photo opportunities. Nothing specific in mind other than the chance to catch a good shot of a dew drop on a blade of grass, or maybe captured on a flower petal

I soon discovered the added benefit of dew’s properties of adherence and refraction. Things hidden are sometimes revealed. On this particular morning it was beads of dew adhering to spider silk.

The varying size droplets affixed to the webs reminded me of the intricate diamond woven headpieces – something worn by Thracian or Nubian princesses. The web’s proved the perfect medium for condensation. The fine cool fibers collecting equally fine droplets.

Crawling about, water soaking my knees through my jeans, I discovered how easy it was to locate wolf spider tunnels. The dew drops accentuated the tunnel openings I wondered if the spider’s stealth was defeated or enhanced

The tunnel openings were so obvious to me -- would the openings be as obvious to the spider's intended prey, or would the beauty of the diamond beaded tunnels prove mesmerizing enough to lure them closer for a better look perhaps even tempting them to jiggle the web to create multiple images of themselves in the refracting droplest – the vibration signaling the spider to enjoy a distracted but aesthetically pleased meal.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

La nature du chat

La nature du chat détermine le sort du lizard

la nature n'est pas toujours bénigne,

mais la nature est toujours beau

même si, parfois, la beauté de la nature est tragique

Thursday, April 30, 2009

What's Real (fun)

One has to be careful of how they sleep and sometimes, more importantly, how they awaken. I slept alright, like a baby, in fact, but I was careless in my awakening. So careless that I awoke in another dimension

Fortunately for me, it was a diagonal rather than a parallel universe. It is quite well established that parallels travel infinitely without intersecting, while a diagonal slants and though being at a slant can put one off balance, the saving grace is that you will eventually slide safely back to your home reality.

This reality wasn’t so bad as alternate realities go. Despite some inconsistency in physical and other laws, the occupants were mostly polite and good natured, though a bit odd.

Besides the occasional shepherdess, who didn’t seem at all put out by the absence of her sheep, there were entities seemingly dumped here from across the megaverse . Perhaps some cosmic singularity was responsible for skewed awakenings across several dimensions.

After coming to similar conclusions as I, this demon from a Rasta based universe managed to affect a most excellent “chill”.
It quickly became apparent that this “Eeyore” entity was the focal point of the cosmic disturbance. Beings from distant reaches of the megaverse were compelled to pay obeisance or some other ritual intended to give his some cheer.

I wasn’t the only visitor intent on chronicling the phenomena for posterity.

An otherworldly elf stopped to chat

A stag not partying stag

A troll with a pole

A swashbuckler just in case a swash needed buckling

A “universal” health care system – it was all beginning to seem so much more civilized than “reality”

even "uni"versal transportation -- no emissions

pixies and sprites

of all ages and sizes but of the same sweetness

And so many had wings

flight must be a common place in many of their worlds

A little disgruntlement over lost wings

walking flowers, witches

and a tigger or two

Even a swine flu in

It was such a colorful gathering and so noble a cause that it was almost a shame to eventually slide back down my diagonal slide to a universe where things are more predictable but I wonder sometimes just how far off these worlds are and how much magic remains in each at all times
all in all

a good day