Seen slithering silently from the corner of my eye, she stimulates my reptilian brain stem sending secretions of norepinephine between neurons inducing panic and an innate fight or flight reaction.

Despite my initial reaction of panic, I must admit to being somewhat addicted to the feeling I have immediately thereafter. The pleasure following the panic is in no small part a sense of accomplishment for using reason and knowledge to conquer the millions of years of evolution that bequeathed my ancestors with the survival advantage of an immediate avoidance reaction to a possible deadly hazard.

Panic, relief then a third reaction – an appreciation of raw beauty, the grace in form and movement, Her rhythmic undulation, the symmetrically smooth overlapping scales-- each aesthetic aspect combining to cause a secretion of dopamine and serotonin to mix with and wash away the norepinephine. A chemical rush on the cheap – and legal.

Svelte sister serpent
sibilantly sings
her sweet song of woe
“fear not beyond reason
but tread wary
on my trails
malign me not
with false history
retold in old tales.”
“S” shaped elegance
undulating through grass
who’s pairing with evil
we should perhaps now let pass
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