Icarus was an idiot.
The price he paid for ignoring sound advice was plummeting to his death, wingless and flailing in a flurry of feathers coated in melted wax.

No, If I had wings, I would have sense enough to avoid flying too close to the sun. But I'm not so sure I could resist remaining aloft, exhilarated to the point of exhaustion before Icarusing to earth -- same fate slightly different ignorance.

Which is why I spent the day studying winged things at rest. Perhaps I could learn how they can resist the temptation to remain permanenty aloft.

Even the Vulture, able to rest on thermals alights for stretches -- foregoing the regal demeanor he commands in the air.

Of course, wing beings have to eat, sleep and procreate -- things better done alit than aloft.

But I wonder if it isn't more a simple matter of being born with wings makes flying more mundane, less a dream and therefor something that one is not compelled to do to excess.

Perhaps a bit more study...
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