One has to be careful of how they sleep and sometimes, more importantly, how they awaken. I slept alright, like a baby, in fact, but I was careless in my awakening. So careless that I awoke in another dimension

Fortunately for me, it was a diagonal rather than a parallel universe. It is quite well established that parallels travel infinitely without intersecting, while a diagonal slants and though being at a slant can put one off balance, the saving grace is that you will eventually slide safely back to your home reality.

This reality
wasn’t so bad as alternate realities go. Despite some inconsistency in physical and other laws, the occupants were mostly polite and good natured, though a bit odd.
Besides the occasional shepherdess, who
didn’t seem at all put out by the absence of her sheep, there were entities seemingly dumped here from across the
megaverse . Perhaps some cosmic singularity was responsible for skewed awakenings across several dimensions.

After coming to similar conclusions as I, this demon from a
Rasta based universe managed to affect a most excellent “chill”.

It quickly became apparent that this “Eeyore”
entity was the focal point of the cosmic disturbance. Beings from distant reaches of the
megaverse were compelled to pay obeisance or some other ritual intended to give his some cheer.

wasn’t the only visitor intent on chronicling the phenomena for posterity.
An otherworldly elf stopped to chat
A stag not partying stag

A troll with a pole

A swashbuckler just in case a swash needed buckling
A “universal” health care system – it was all beginning to seem so much more civilized than “reality”
even "uni"versal transportation -- no emissions

pixies and sprites
of all ages and sizes but of the same sweetness

And so many had wings
flight must be a common place in many of their worlds
A little disgruntlement over lost wings
walking flowers, witches
and a tigger or two
Even a swine flu in
It was such a colorful gathering and so noble a cause that it was almost a shame to eventually slide back down my diagonal slide to a universe where things are more predictable but I wonder sometimes just how far off these worlds are and how much magic remains in each at all times

all in all
a good day
damn, you have all the fun!