Lest I be accused of misanthropy, given my penchant for exploring and recounting Gaia’s non-human natural wonders -- behold, a post devoted to one of the most norml wonders of nature
Camera in one hand brew in the other I set out to chronicle Homo Sapien We be Jamminus in their natural habitat:
Reggae fest!
I could claim that this was a purely Anthropological adventure
But like one of my idols Margaret Mead I tended toward going native.
I do love me some reggae and the illusion of regression to a more tribal past --
perhaps there was even a bit of nostalgia for portions of my misspent youth)
One of the wonders of Austin and of Reggae is its ability to bridge divides -- young in body / young at heart black with white and brown
And red
The seemed to be a lot of red perhaps red just stands out when it stands up.
As I said, natural "what could be more NORML"
I stuck with beer but there were more exotic liquid libations in silly containers. I meant to snag one to use as a vase for my gladiolas
so, when do we get to see you shake it like a wizard? ;)
ReplyDeletelooked like a good time.